User's Requirement
Need to execute a QTP TestSet without using Quality Center GUI
Proposal Solution
The solution is to have a script that accepts 2 input parameters that are:
- Path TestLab
- TestSet Name
Once the connection to QC has been done, through interaction with the user, selection of Domain and Project from combo, etc, it will be launch the execution of the TestSet on a Remote Machine.
Script Implementation
this would be only an example, a case study, on how to work and manage with the TSScheduler OTA Object.
I think this type of implementation could have sense only in particular context, those whom who execs the testset doesn't know anything about Quality Center, how to move inside it and doesn't have any permission to access it (user and password could be retrieve from somewhere else instead of how has been developed here).
How this script works.
The script has been written starting from the example found in the OTA help for the TSScheduler object description and remanaged.
This script must be launched from DOS Command Prompt passing 2 parameters that rappresents the Path and the TestSet Name.
In the case the 2 parameters have some spaces those strings must be written between the char " .
For example: myScript.vbs "Root\Fld1\Sub Folder1_1\Other Folder" "My TestSet"
This is the code:
'This version consists on call the script passing 2 parameters that are:
' - Path TestLab (where the TestSet is located)
' - TestSet Name
'Constants to set where to run the entire TestSet or the single TSTest
Const RUN_LOCAL = 0
Const RUN_REMOTE = 2
'Constants for log file.
Const PathLogFile = "d:\LogSched\" 'The location of the file is out of scope
Const LogFile = "logSched.txt" 'for this task.
Dim tdc, fso, fOut
Dim PathTestLab
Dim TestSetName
' M A I N
'Check the Arguments passed to the script
if wscript.arguments.count <> 2 then
Msgbox "Arguments Number Error! I need 2 informations: " & vbNewLine & _
"- TestSet Folder" & vbNewLine & _
"- TestSet Name" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"Thank you. End of Program", vbCritical + vbSystemModal, "Arguments Error!!!"
end if
PathTestLab = wscript.Arguments(0)
TestSetName = wscript.Arguments(1)
'Log File
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Not(fso.FolderExists(PathLogFile)) then
msgbox "Log Path " & PathLogFile & " Not Found! End of Program!!", vbSystemModal + vbCritical, "Log Path Error!"
set fso = nothing
end if
set fOut = fso.OpenTextFile(PathLogFile & LogFile, FOR_WRITING, True)
fOut.WriteLine "Date/Hour: " & Now & " - Start TestSet Execution Procedure" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
'Create the TDConnection Object
set tdc = CreateObject("tdapiole80.tdconnection.1")
' Ask user for QC Coordinates
USER = ""
QC_ADDRESS = InputBox("Insert the QC Site in th form http://qcaddress/qcbin", "QC Address", "")
if QC_ADDRESS = "" then
set tdc = Nothing
set fOut = Nothing
set fso = Nothing
end if
' Retrieve User Credential
Dim strUC
strUC = getUserInfo
'getUserInfo returns a string
'if it contains the sequence of chars "@||@" it means that user infos have been correctly retrieved.
if instr(strUC,"@||@") = 0 then
set tdc = Nothing
set fOut = Nothing
set fso = Nothing
end if
USER = split(strUC,"@||@")(0)
'next if because many times no password is set.
if right(strUC,4) <> "@||@" then
PASSWORD = split(strUC,"@||@")(1)
end if
'Try to estabilished the Connection to QC Project. If it's ok, do the RunTestSet!
'Call the Sub to Run the TestSet on Remote Machine
RunTestSet PathTestLab, TestSetName, REMOTE_MACHINE, RUN_REMOTE
fOut.WriteLine "Date/Hour: " & Now & " - QC Connection Error"
end if
if tdc.Connected then
end if
fOut.WriteLine "Date/Hour: " & Now & " - END of PROGRAM"
set tdc = nothing
set fOut = nothing
set fso = nothing
MSGBOX "END OF PROGRAM", vbSystemModal + vbInformation, "End Program"
' E N D M A I N
' F U N C T I O N S
'Function to Retrieve UserInfo
Public Function getUserInfo()
' Creation of the form to insert user and password
' Create an IE object
Dim res
res = ""
Set objIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
' specify some of the IE window's settings
objIE.Navigate "about:blank"
objIE.Document.title = "User and Password" & String( 80, "=" )
objIE.ToolBar = False
objIE.Resizable = False
objIE.StatusBar = False
objIE.Width = 400
objIE.Height = 240
' Center the dialog window on the screen
With objIE.Document.parentWindow.screen
objIE.Left = (.availWidth - objIE.Width ) \ 2
objIE.Top = (.availHeight - objIE.Height) \ 2
End With
' Wait till IE is ready
Do While objIE.Busy
WScript.Sleep 200
' Insert the HTML code to prompt for user input
objIE.Document.body.innerHTML = "<div align=""center""><table cellspacing=""5"">" _
& "<tr nowrap><th colspan=""2"">Insert User and Password " _
& ":</th></tr><tr nowrap><td>User :" _
& "</td><td><input type=""text"" size=""20"" id=" _
& """User""></td></tr><tr nowrap><td>Password :" _
& "</td><td><input type=""password"" size=""20"" id=" _
& """Password""></td></tr></table>" _
& "<p><input type=""hidden"" id=""OK"" name=""OK"" " _
& "value=""0""><input type=""submit"" value="" OK "" " _
& "onclick=""VBScript:OK.value=1""></p></div>"
' Hide the scrollbars = "auto"
' Make the window visible
objIE.Visible = True
' Set focus on User input field
' Wait till the OK button has been clicked
On Error Resume Next
Do While objIE.Document.all.OK.value = 0
WScript.Sleep 200
If Err Then 'user clicked red X (or alt-F4) to close IE window
exit do
End if
' Read the user input from the dialog window
if not(Err) then
res = objIE.Document.all.User.value & "@||@" & objIE.Document.all.Password.value
end if
'Close and release the object
Set objIE = Nothing
getUserInfo = res
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'Boolean Function that Check the Connection to the Project.
Public Function QCConnect(addr, usr, pwd)
Dim Res, dom, prj
Res = True
On Error Resume Next
tdc.InitConnectionEx addr
if err.number <> 0 then
Res = False
msgbox "QC Error in method InitConnectionEx", vbSystemModal + vbCritical, "InitConnectionEx ERROR!!!!"
end if
if Res then
tdc.login usr, pwd
if err.number <> 0 then
Res = False
msgbox "QC Error in method Login", vbSystemModal + vbCritical, "Login ERROR!!!!"
end if
end if
strDomAndPrj = getDomPrjInfo 'call the function to retrieve Domain and Project Selections
if instr(strDomAndPrj, "@||@") > 0 then
dom = split(strDomAndPrj,"@||@")(0)
prj = split(strDomAndPrj,"@||@")(1)
if Res then
tdc.Connect dom, prj
if err.number <> 0 then
Res = False
msgbox "QC Error in method Connect, check the Domain, Project and if user " & usr & " is allowed to the Project", vbSystemModal + vbCritical, "Connect ERROR!!!!"
end if
end if
Res = False
end if
QCConnect = Res
On error Goto 0
End Function
'Function that retrieve the Domain and Project Selection
Public Function getDomPrjInfo
Dim Res
Res = ""
set DomLst = tdc.VisibleDomains
optDomStr = ""
if DomLst.Count > 0 then
for each dm in DomLst
optDomStr = optDomStr & " <option value=" & chr(34) & dm & chr(34) & ">" & dm & "</option> " & vbNewLine
end if
set DomLst = Nothing
optPrjStr = ""
' Form to select Domain and Project
' Create an IE object
Set objIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
' specify some of the IE window's settings
objIE.Navigate "about:blank"
objIE.Document.title = "Domain and Project" & String( 80, "=" )
objIE.ToolBar = False
objIE.Resizable = False
objIE.StatusBar = False
objIE.Width = 400
objIE.Height = 240
' Center the dialog window on the screen
With objIE.Document.parentWindow.screen
objIE.Left = (.availWidth - objIE.Width ) \ 2
objIE.Top = (.availHeight - objIE.Height) \ 2
End With
' Wait till IE is ready
Do While objIE.Busy
WScript.Sleep 200
' Insert the HTML code to prompt for user input
objIE.Document.body.innerHTML = "<div align=""center""><table cellspacing=""5"">" _
& "<tr nowrap><th colspan=""2"">Select Domain and Project " _
& ":</th></tr>" _
& "<label>Domain:<br>" _
& "<select name=""Domain""> " _
& optDomStr _
& "</select> " _
& "</label></br>" _
& "</table>" _
& "<p><input type=""hidden"" id=""OK"" name=""OK"" " _
& "value=""0""><input type=""submit"" value="" OK "" " _
& "onclick=""VBScript:OK.value=1""></p></div>"
' Hide the scrollbars = "auto"
' Make the window visible
objIE.Visible = True
' Set focus on Domain input field
' Wait till the OK button has been clicked
Do While objIE.Document.all.OK.value = 0
WScript.Sleep 200
If Err Then 'user clicked red X (or alt-F4) to close IE window
exit do
End if
if Not(Err) then
' Read the user input from the dialog window
Res = objIE.Document.all.Domain.Value
set PrjLst = tdc.VisibleProjects(Res)
optPrjStr = ""
for each pj in PrjLst
optPrjStr = optPrjStr & " <option value=" & chr(34) & pj & chr(34) & ">" & pj & "</option> " & vbNewLine
' Insert the HTML code to prompt for user input
objIE.Document.body.innerHTML = "<div align=""center""><table cellspacing=""5"">" _
& "<tr nowrap><th colspan=""2"">Select Domain and Project " _
& ":</th></tr>" _
& "<label>Domain: " & Res & " <br>" _
& "</label></br>" _
& "<label>Project:<br>" _
& "<select name=""Project"" > " _
& optPrjStr _
& "</select> " _
& "</label></br>" _
& "</table>" _
& "<p><input type=""hidden"" id=""OK"" name=""OK"" " _
& "value=""0""><input type=""submit"" value="" OK "" " _
& "onclick=""VBScript:OK.value=1""></p></div>"
' Hide the scrollbars = "auto"
' Make the window visible
objIE.Visible = True
' Set focus on Project input field
' Wait till the OK button has been clicked
Do While objIE.Document.all.OK.value = 0
WScript.Sleep 200
If Err Then 'user clicked red X (or alt-F4) to close IE window
exit do
End if
' Read the user input from the dialog window
if Not(Err) then
Res = Res & "@||@" & objIE.Document.all.Project.Value
end if
end if
'Close and release the object
Set objIE = Nothing
getDomPrjInfo = Res
End Function
'This Sub is take from the example on OTA API TSScheduler Object description
Public Sub RunTestSet(tsFolderName, tSetName, _
HostName, runWhere)
' This example show how to run a test set in three different ways:
' * Run all tests on the local machine (where this code runs).
' * Run the tests on a specified remote machine.
' * Run the tests on the hosts as planned in the test set.
Dim TSetFact 'As TestSetFactory
Dim tsList 'As List
Dim theTestSet 'As TestSet
Dim tsTreeMgr 'As TestSetTreeManager
Dim tsFolder 'As TestSetFolder
Dim Scheduler 'As TSScheduler
Dim execStatus 'As ExecutionStatus
On Error Resume Next 'my code
'On Error GoTo RunTestSetErr
'errmsg = "RunTestSet"
' Get the test set tree manager from the test set factory.
'tdc is the global TDConnection object.
Set TSetFact = tdc.TestSetFactory
Set tsTreeMgr = tdc.TestSetTreeManager
' Get the test set folder passed as an argument to the example code.
'Dim nPath$
'nPath = "Root\" & Trim(tsFolderName)
'===> In this script the path has been passed as the 1st argument so nPath will be set directly to tsFolderName
Dim nPath
nPath = tsFolderName
err.clear 'my add
Set tsFolder = tsTreeMgr.NodeByPath(nPath)
'my code
if err.number <> 0 then
msgbox "Error during the creation of the SysTreeNode for the path " & nPath, vbSystemModal + vbCritical, "QC Critical Error - Cannot Continue!!!"
exit sub
end if
'If tsFolder Is Nothing Then
' err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, "RunTestSet", "Could not find folder " & nPath
' GoTo RunTestSetErr
'End If
'On Error GoTo RunTestSetErr
' Search for the test set passed as second argument to the example code.
Set tsList = tsFolder.FindTestSets(tSetName)
'I prefer the "Select case" statement instead of innested if
Select case tsList.Count
case 0: fOut.WriteLine "Date/Hour: " & Now & " - TestSet " & tSetName & " not found under " & nPath & " !!!"
exit Sub
case 1: set theTestSet = tsList.Item(1)
case else: fOut.WriteLine "Date/Hour: " & Now & " - Found more than one TestSet with the name & " & tSetName & " under " & nPath & " !!!"
exit Sub
End Select
'If tsList.Count > 1 Then
' MsgBox "FindTestSets found more than one test set: refine search"
'ElseIf tsList.Count < 1 Then
' MsgBox "FindTestSets: test set not found"
'End If
'Set theTestSet = tsList.Item(1)
'Debug.Print theTestSet.ID
' Start the scheduler on the local machine.
Set Scheduler = theTestSet.StartExecution("")
'Set up for the run depending on where the test instances
'are to execute.
Select Case runWhere
' Run all tests on the local machine.
Scheduler.RunAllLocally = True
' Run tests on a specified remote machine.
' ===> This set the HostName for the Scheduler Object <===
Scheduler.TdHostName = HostName
' RunAllLocally must not be set for
' remote invocation of tests.
' Do not do this:
' Scheduler.RunAllLocally = False
' Run on the hosts as planned in the test set.
Dim TSTestFact 'As TSTestFactory
Dim testList 'As List
Dim tsFilter 'As TDFilter
Dim TSTst 'As TSTest
' Get the test instances from the test set.
Set TSTestFact = theTestSet.TSTestFactory
Set tsFilter = TSTestFact.Filter
tsFilter.Filter("TC_CYCLE_ID") = theTestSet.ID
Set testList = TSTestFact.NewList(tsFilter.Text)
'Debug.Print "Test instances and planned hosts:"
' For each test instance, set the host to run depending
' on the planning in the test set.
' It retrieves the HostName indicating into the TestInstance
For Each TSTst In testList
'Debug.Print "Name: " & TSTst.Name & " ID: " & TSTst.ID & " Planned Host: " & TSTst.HostName
Scheduler.RunOnHost(TSTst.ID) = TSTst.HostName
Scheduler.RunAllLocally = False
End Select
' Run the tests.
' This is the same as RunTestSet
' Get the execution status object.
Set execStatus = Scheduler.ExecutionStatus
' Track the events and statuses.
Dim RunFinished 'As Boolean,
Dim iter 'As Integer, 'I think this is not necessary
Dim i 'As Integer
Dim ExecEventInfoObj 'As ExecEventInfo,
Dim EventsList 'As List
Dim TestExecStatusObj 'As TestExecStatus
'While ((RunFinished = False) And (iter < 100))
Do While Not(RunFinished) '===> Change in a Do While statement
'iter = iter + 1
execStatus.RefreshExecStatusInfo "all", True '===> Force the Refresh of all the test status!
RunFinished = execStatus.Finished '===> Checks if execution is finished or still in progress
Set EventsList = execStatus.EventsList '===> Retrieve the List of Execution Events that are ExecEventInfo Objects
For Each ExecEventInfoObj In EventsList
fOut.WriteLine "Event: " & ExecEventInfoObj.EventDate & " " & ExecEventInfoObj.EventTime & " " & vbNewLine & _
"Event Type: " & ExecEventInfoObj.EventType & vbNewLine & _
"[Event types: 1-fail, 2-finished, 3-env fail, 4-timeout, 5-manual]"
'Debug.Print Tab; execStatus.Count & " exec status"
For i = 1 To execStatus.Count
Set TestExecStatusObj = execStatus.Item(i)
fOut.WriteLine "Date/Hour: " & Now & " - Status: " & vbNewLine & _
"Test ID (the ID of the Test in TestPlan): " & TestExecStatusObj.TestID & vbNewLine & _
"Test instance (the ID of the TestInstance): " & TestExecStatusObj.TSTestID & " " & vbNewLine & _
"Order: " & TestExecStatusObj.TestInstance & vbNewLine & _
"Message: " & TestExecStatusObj.Message & vbNewLine & _
"Status: " & TestExecStatusObj.Status & vbNewLine & _
"=====================================================" & vbNewLine
Next 'i
'This part is for visualbasic code
'Sleep() has to be declared before it can be used.
'This is the module level declaration of Sleep():
'Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
'Sleep (5000)
Wscript.Sleep (60000) 'wait 1 minute before next iteration.
'Wend 'Loop While execStatus.Finished = False
'Debug.Print "Scheduler finished around " & CStr(Now)
On error Goto 0
' ErrHandler err, err.Description, errmsg, NON_FATAL_ERROR
End Sub
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