' Create an XML Document Node with assoticated Elements and Attributes
' Parameters:
' oXMLDoc - XML DOM object ( Created from MSXML2.DOMDocument )
' oTargetNode - XML Document Element where the element is created
' sNodeName - Name of the Element Created
' oAttributes - VBScript Dictionary object containing a list of XML Attributes to add
' oElements - VBScript Dictionary object containing a list of XML Elements to add
' Example Usage:
' dim xmlDoc, oAttributes, oElements
' set oAttributes = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' set oElements = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Set xmlDoc = CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
' xmlDoc.Load "c:\SomeFile.xml" or xmlDoc.appendChild xmlDoc.createElement("MyRootElement")
' oAttributes.Add "guid", left( CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").GUID, 38 ) ' Strip trailing NULL's
' oElements.Add "Name","BuildName.value"
' oElements.Add "Version","1.0"
' CreateXMLNode xmlDoc, xmlDoc.documentElement, "MyElement", oAttributes, oElements
' xmlDoc.Save "c:\SomeFile.xml"
Function CreateXMLNode ( xmlDoc, oTargetNode, sNodeName, oAttributes , oElements)
Dim Key, oElement, oNodeRoot
Set oNodeRoot = xmlDoc.createElement(sNodeName)
For each key in oAttributes
If IsEmpty(key) then
Exit For
End if
oNodeRoot.setAttribute key, oAttributes.Item(key)
For each key in oElements.Keys
If isempty(key) then exit for
Set oElement = xmlDoc.createElement(key)
oElement.text = oElements.Item(key)
oNodeRoot.appendChild oElement
oTargetNode.appendChild oNodeRoot
End function